Design Week October’ 22
Every three months we create new designs and this week we are looking at creating products for hassle free storage and organizing. We are experimenting with sustainable raw materials like jute, banana bark and banana fibre in these collections.
Toys are nice and homes with kids are heaven on earth. That heaven always will have screaming sounds and never ending cleaning job. We thought to create few designs those are simple, natural free flowing and out of sight. To keep the toys and small things that run around your home. Some of them have a hook to hang; some of them are small enough for the tiny playing companions. Our selection of materials for the toy baskets are jute and cotton …. Soft, sturdy and mild!

Next in the line are small baskets of banana bark – here nature is the source, nature is the inspiration and everything goes back to nature without traces. The designs and patterns are created with mindful weaving and the banana bark’s natural texture and colour variation gives the baskets true elegance.

The designs are getting ready in a week in hues of off white, cream with wooden buttons. We are also waiting …..